Happ New Year everyone!
It's been a while since I've posted, partly because I haven't done anything major racing/training-wise, but mainly because I just haven't got around to writing anything.
As it's a new year, I thought it would be good to write down my goals for the year - good for motivation to make them public! The main races I'm doing are:
12 January - Country to Capital, 45M run. I don't really know what to expect from this, but I've managed to do some long training runs so hopefully I'll be OK. I'm not expecting to do particularly well, and it was never a major target (I had planned to do it last year, but had a niggle and the organisers let me carry my entry over).
23 June - IM France. This is the main target of the year, with the (ambitious) goal being to qualify for Kona. Obviously this depends a fair bit on who is racing on the day (as I found out at Austria), but if I can get close to (or preferably under) 9:30 I should have a good chance. This seems doable based on being 20 mins slower on the bike than Austria (due to the course), and the same in swim/run. Hopefully I am a bit stronger on the bike now too.
The other events I'm planning are really just building for IM France. They are:
- days 2 & 3 of the Tour of Wessex (26/27 May). Riding with loads of the guys from the weekend cycling group, so should be good fun.
- a half IM in May, probably the new one in Bedford on 19 May.
We're also planning a training trip to Majorca - I just need to decide how many days I can take off.
So that's the first half of the year. For obvious reasons I can't really make any plans for the second half until after IM France! I'll probably do the Lakeland 50 again (but on solo this time rather than in a team), as I have a free place from last year and really enjoyed going up to the Lake District.
Thanks for reading, hope you all have a good 2013! Next post will be after the ultra in a couple of weeks (by which time I may also have my new bike!).
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